The college admissions process – everything you need to know Let us start by being honest with ourselves! To make an impression on anyone about anything, you have to be...
Network marketing, multi million dollar business or just a spam? There are a few things to remember when writing your essay for college’s you are submitting applications to. There are...
Applying for scholarships online – how to get a scholarship to pay for your education The cost of college is a common roadblock for those who are planning to continue...
The writing life: how you can overcome writer’s block The essay portion of the general education development (ged) language arts test presents the biggest obstacle for many people. The test...
Book (series) review – the leonidas witherall mysteries Kevin: why don’t we start very quickly by just explaining a little bit about how you got into this and then we’ll...
Free tips for getting my ex back The sat essay makes most students nervous. How can you impress the graders through your essay? How to write an essay that can...
Writing admission essays doesn’t have to be that hard One of the most challenging tasks college students face is essay writing. Many students dread hearing the words and immediately freeze...